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[720P新加坡剧] 新加坡剧 手牵手 全20集 无字幕 Hand in Hand Complete HDTV x264 720p-DoA 22.3G

匿名  发表于 2019-12-2 15:26:39 |阅读模式


王禄江 as 洪美强/洪进财
刘子绚 as 洪美芳
孙欣佩 as 洪美婷
冯伟衷 as 洪美志
杨志龙 as 钟仁义
马艺瑄 as 何心莹
郑各评 as 陈浩男
林梅娇 as 王淑桦
洪慧芳 as 何丽云
杜蕙甹 as 姚小冰
黄炯耀 as 白光


Hong Mei Qiang (Bryan Wong) is released from prison and is determined to find the culprit who has framed him. However, this leads to the greatest regrets of his life. Mei Qiang’s mother, Wang Shu Hua ( Lin Mei Jiao) , is on her death bed. She gathers her 3 other children and wants them to look for their father who has been missing for years. Mei Qiang is very determined to fulfil his mother’s wish. Hong Mei Fang ( Jesseca Liu ) is angry with Mei Qiang for disappointing their mother time and again. Despite this, Mei Fang hopes to see her mother leave in peace and agrees to join Mei Qiang. Hong Mei Zhi ( Aloysius Pang ) is initially unmotivated to look for their father, but he later changes his mind as he is touched by Mei Qiang’s perseverance. Hong Mei Ting ( Seraphine Sng ) faces financial crisis and hopes to get her share of inheritance as soon as possible. In order to get the money, she agrees to join in the quest to search for their father. In the process of looking for their father, the siblings faced many setbacks. However, for the sake of their mother, they shoulder on. This drama “Hand in Hand” will bring you on a journey of love and kinship.

洪美强(王禄江 饰)内心充满了愤怒和不甘,发誓要寻出害他白白坐了七年冤狱的罪魁祸首!却没想到这个决定却造成了他此生最大的遗憾......

洪家母亲-王淑桦(林梅娇 饰)虚弱地躺在床上,病重的她等待着死神的召唤。淑桦用剩余的力气,说了遗愿,要四个孩子一起去寻找失踪多年的父亲。为了母亲,美强下定决心,希望能完成母亲的遗愿。美芳 (刘子绚 饰)气美强辜负了母亲的厚爱,但为了不让母亲带着遗憾离去,美芳也答应加入完成遗愿的行列。

美志 (冯伟衷 饰)本来兴趣缺缺,在美强威逼利诱下只好跟着美强一起去寻找父亲的下落。后来,美志也被美强的信念感动了,愿意跟美强一起追寻真相。美婷(孙欣佩)面临了事业与财务危机,所以看在钱的份上,只好勉为其难,跟着美强一起做这件事。整个旅程中,四兄弟姐妹们曾经犹豫过、挣扎过、放弃过,但是为了母亲的遗愿,他们没有放开彼此,逐步地向真相靠近。《手牵手》 将带领你踏上一段寻爱的旅程,寻回最真的情感......


片源 : DoA錄製


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